PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (Persero), Tbk. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (Persero) Tbk. open new lowongan pekerjaan Recruitment Area Sales Managers & Account Officers Recruitment Area Sales Managers & Account Officers
Lowongan Area Sales Managers (ASM) - Divisi Kredit Konsumer Area Sales Managers (ASM) - Consumer Credit Division
Persyaratan Administratif : Administrative requirements:
1. 1. Pendidikan S1/S2 dari Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi A/B S1/S2 education from accredited universities that A / B
2. 2. Memiliki pengalaman minimum 3 tahun pada jabatan yang sejenis Have a minimum 3 years experience in similar position
3. 3. Menguasai bisnis dan marketing Kredit Konsumer (mortgage loan, auto loan dan clean loan) The business and marketing consumer credit (mortgage loan, auto loan and loan clean)
4. 4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris dan menggunakan komputer Able to speak English and use computers
5. 5. Memiliki integritas, disiplin, leadership, motivasi dan rasa tanggung jawab yang tinggi untuk mencapai target Have integrity, discipline, leadership, motivation and sense of responsibility to achieve a high target
6. 6. Bersedia ditempatkan pada seluruh unit kerja BRI di Pulau Jawa Willing to be placed on all work units BRI in Java
Account Officers (AO) - Divisi Kredit Konsumer Account Officers (AO) - Consumer Credit Division
Persyaratan Administratif : Administrative requirements:
1. 1. Pendidikan S1/S2 dari Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi A/B S1/S2 education from accredited universities that A / B
2. 2. Usia maksimum 30 tahun Maximum age 30 years
3. 3. Memiliki pengalaman minimum 2 tahun sebagai AO Kredit Konsumer Have minimum 2 years experience as a consumer credit AO
4. 4. Mampu melakukan analisis keuangan dan kelayakan kredit Were able to conduct financial analysis and feasibility of the credit
5. 5. Menguasai bisnis dan marketing Kredit Konsumer (mortgage loan, auto loan dan clean loan) The business and marketing consumer credit (mortgage loan, auto loan and loan clean)
6. 6. Memiliki integritas, disiplin, leadership, motivasi dan rasa tanggung jawab yang tinggi untuk mencapai target Have integrity, discipline, leadership, motivation and sense of responsibility to achieve a high target
7. 7. Penempatan untuk Wilayah Jakarta Placement Areas for Jakarta
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Pengiriman Surat Lamaran Mail Delivery Applications
Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan dapat mengirim lamaran secara online dengan download dan mengisi Candidate Information Form BRI. For applicants who meet the requirements may send an online application with the download and fill the Candidate Information Form BRI.
Klik di sini untuk mendownload Candidate Information Form BRI Click here to download the Candidate Information Form BRI
Candidate Information Form BRI tersebut harap dikirimkan ke alamat email : Candidate Information Form, please BRI is sent to your email address:
Tuliskan kode posisi yang dilamar (ASM / AO) pada subyek email. Enter the code position dilamar (ASM / AO) in the email subject.
Pengiriman ke alamat email selain yang tercantum di atas tidak akan diproses. Shipping to an email address other than those listed above will not be processed.
Bagi yang ingin mengirimkan lamaran via pos dapat mengirimkan ke alamat : For those who want to send the application via mail can send to the address:
Executive Search & Assessment Division Executive Search & Assessment Division
Wisma 46 Kota BNI, Lt. Wisma 46 Kota BNI, fl. 32 32
Jl. Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1 1
Jakarta 10220 Jakarta 10220
Cantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar (ASM / AO) pada Surat Lamaran. Embedded code position dilamar (ASM / AO) in the Mail Application.
Peserta yang sudah mengirimkan lamaran secara online tidak perlu mengirim lamaran via pos. Participants who have submitted an online application does not need to send the application via the post.
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Hal-hal Yang Wajib Diperhatikan : The matters to be Obligation:
1. 1. Bagi peserta yang lulus proses seleksi administrasi, tes tertulis akan dilaksanakan di 2 kota, yaitu Jakarta dan Surabaya . For participants who pass the selection process of administration, a written test will be conducted in 2 cities, namely Jakarta and Surabaya.
Pelamar harap memilih salah satu di antara 2 kota tersebut sebagai lokasi tes yang diharapkan. a. Applicants please choose one between the 2 cities as the location of the test which is expected. A. Bagi peserta yang mengirimkan lamaran secara online , subyek email wajib bertuliskan (Kode Posisi) – (Lokasi tes yang diharapkan) . For participants who submit applications online, email subject must reads (Position Code) - (Location test which is expected).
Misal : ASM – Jakarta atau AO – Surabaya . Ex: ASM - or AO Jakarta - Surabaya.
b. b. Bagi peserta yang mengirimkan lamaran via pos , wajib mencantumkan (Kode Posisi) – (Lokasi tes yang dipilih) pada surat lamaran. For participants who submit applications via mail, must include (Position Code) - (Location of the selected tests) on the application letter.
2. 2. Bagi yang mengirim secara online, dokumen wajib dikirimkan dalam format .doc (Microsoft Word). For those who send them online, the document must be sent in. Doc (Microsoft Word). Pengiriman lampiran (attachment) tidak boleh melebihi 800 kb Sending attachments (attachment) must not exceed 800 kb
3. 3. Seleksi bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat Selection are final and can not be proceeded